
Available Rules

This is the list of currently available rules that are available to check against.

aftTime until the above-the-fold stabilized. Currently only returns 0.
browser_other_private_memory_kbChild Private Working Set Size - Sum of private working sets for all browser processes excluding the main process, Measured at the end of a page test (KB).
browser_process_countBrowser Process Count - Measured at the end of a page test.
browser_working_set_kbWorking set size for the main browser process - Measured at the end of a page test (KB).
bytesInTotal number of bytes downloaded.
bytesInDocThe number of bytes downloaded before the Document Complete time.
bytesOutTotal number of bytes uploaded.
bytesOutDocThe number of bytes uploaded before the Document Complete time.
connectionsNumber of different connections for requests.
docCPUmsDoc Complete CPU Time (ms).
docCPUpctDoc Complete CPU Utilization (%).
docTimeDocument Complete Time (ms).
domContentLoadedEventEndTime until domContentLoadedEventEnd triggered (ms).
domContentLoadedEventStartTime until domContentLoadedEventStart triggered (ms).
domElementsNumber of DOM Elements on the document (including sub-documents in frames).
domTimeDOM Element Time (ms)
effectiveBpsMetric that calculates the bandwidth used from the first byte to the end of the load to show how efficiently a site is filling the pipe.
effectiveBpsDocMetric that calculates the bandwidth used from the first byte to the end of the document complete.
firstPaintBrowser-reported first paint time.
fullyLoadedTime until page fully loaded (ms).
fullyLoadedCPUmsFully Loaded CPU Time (ms).
fullyLoadedCPUpctFully Loaded CPU Utilization (%)
gzip_savingsBytes that could be saved through Gzip compression.
gzip_totalTotal size of applicable resources for Gzip compression (bytes).
image_savingsBytes that could be saved through image optimization.
image_totalTotal size of applicable resources for image compression (bytes).
lastVisualChangeTime until last visual change (ms).
loadEventEndTime until loadEventEnd triggered (ms).
loadEventStartTime until loadEventStart triggered (ms).
loadTimeLoad Time (ms).
minify_savingsBytes that could be saved through minification.
minify_totalTotal size of applicable resources for minification (bytes).
optimization_checked1 if the request was checked for optimization, 0 if not.
pageSpeedVersionVersion of the Page Speed SDK that was used.
renderTime till 'Start Render' (ms).
requestsCSSThe number of CSS requests.
requestsDocThe number of HTTP(S) requests before the Document Complete time.
requestsFlashThe number of Flash requests.
requestsFontThe number of Font requests.
requestsFullThe total number of HTTP(S) requests.
requestsHTMLThe number of HTML requests.
requestsImageThe number of Image requests.
requestsJSThe number of Javascript requests.
requestsOtherThe number of 'other' requests.
responses_200The number of HTTP(S) requests that returned 200.
responses_404The number of HTTP(S) requests that returned 404.
responses_otherThe number of HTTP(S) requests that returned a response code that was not 200 / 404.
resultResult (error code).
score_cache% of static assets that had expires headers to enable browser caching. Returns: -1 for N/A
score_cdn% of static assets that were served from a CDN. Returns: -1 for N/A
score_combine% of JS or CSS assets that were the only asset of that type served from a given host (more than one of that type from the same host could have been combined). Returns: -1 for N/A
score_compress% of image objects that passed the image compression test. Returns: -1 for N/A
score_cookies% of responses that wrote cookies NOT to the domain. Returns: -1 for N/A
score_etags% of requests that passed the ETag header check. Returns: -1 for N/A
score_gzip% of text or JS assets that were Gzip encoded. Returns: -1 for N/A
score_keepAlive% of responses from servers that served more than one asset that used persistent connections. Returns: -1 for N/A
score_minify% of HTML or JS assets that were minified (less that 10% of lines had leading/trailing whitespace or comments). Returns: -1 for N/A
score_progressive_jpeg% of the JPEG bytes that were for progressive JPEGs. Returns: -1 for N/A
SpeedIndexThe calculated Speed Index.
titleTimeTime from the start of the operation until the title first changed (in ms).
TTFBTime to First Byte (ms).
visualCompleteTime of the last visual change to the page (ms).